Monday 21 January 2013

Demon Hunters Game Info

Demon hunter is a stylish action rpg game taking place in Akoron which is a different dimension. Your character doesn’t have assigned jobs like other games. But by mixing skills and characteristics, the user can create a unique job for characters. By playing main quests and sub quests, the user can perform fancy skills, cancel system and variety of actions after playing this game, like the "HELL" mode. What's so lacking about this game is Bicore doesnt release guide and offical arts...

All around, the Demon Hunter is a formidable class that specializes in Shadow Magic, laying Traps, and limiting enemy mobility with a variety of snare skills.

Rather than using an old-fashioned Mana meter, the Demon Hunter actually has two separate meters: Hatred and Discipline. Hatred refills automatically and fuels offensive Skills while Discipline is reserved for tactical Skills.

Using the class' adroit use of ranged weapons, the Demon Hunter delivers painful blow after blow to his opponents from a distance. Because of his reliance on ranged attacks, the Demon Hunter possesses many snare skills and traps to force distance between him and his foes.

In addition to dealing damage, many of the Demon Hunter's skills have a built-in snare side effect, allowing him to gain the luxury of ranged attacks at his leisure. Caltrops, which he earns at level 1, is one of the most useful abilities to slow down multiple enemies at once. He can lay as many Caltrops as his Discipline reserves can support, turning encounters with enemies into a shooting gallery.